Effects of exercise of different intensity on gut peptides, energy intake and appetite in young males
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Department of Ergonomics and Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University School of Medicine, Krakow, Poland
Department of Physiology, Medical Faculty, Jagiellonian University School of Medicine, Krakow, Poland
University of Vincent Pol in Lublin, Poland
Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(4):787-793
Introduction and research aims:
The aim of the work was an evaluation of the impact of physical exertion on the regulating of food intake and digestive system hormone release as well as the partly connected phenomenon of evaluating the subjective sensation of hunger and the amount of food consumed at various time following physical exercise.

Material and Methods:
The tests covered 12 young, healthy men, for whom the effects of physical exertion of a moderate and high intensity on the subjective sensation of hunger/satiety, evaluated by means of visual analogue scales, on food intake as well as on the metabolic and hormonal parameters were tested.

Physical exertion resulted in a fall in the subjective sensation of hunger, but only following intensive exertion was this statistically significant. The intake of food was greater after exertion when compared to the control group. Moderate exertion resulted in a statistically significant but short-lived increase in the ghrelin level. This effect was not observed after intensive exertion, while in those tests during the post-meal period there occurred a fall in the concentration of ghrelin in the plasma. After exertion a physical fall was observed in the concentration of insulin in the plasma, for the intake of food resulted in a notable increase in its level.

Physical highly intensive exertion, results in a temporary reduction in the subjective sensation of hunger but leads to an increased food intake. The current research suggests that moderate but not intensive physical exertion stimulates the secretion of ghrelin.
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