Effect of spa physiotherapy on the range of motion and muscle strength in women with gonarthrosis
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Holy Cross College, Department of Physiotherapy, Kielce, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(4):784-786
Degeneration arthritis is a chronic disease of undetermined progressiveness and unknown pathogenesis. It can affect one or more joints. It reveals itself most frequently between 40 – 60 years of age, and affects the lives of professionally active individuals. The aim of the presented study was to assess the impact of a 21-day stay at a rehabilitation facility on the range of motion and muscle strength of the knee in women with gonarthrosis.

Material and Methods:
The study group consisted of 30 women aged 50–74 years diagnosed with degeneration of the knee joint. The average age of the study group was 65.9 ± 7.2 years. Patients remained in the 21-day rehabilitation facility of Rehabilitational Hospital No. 21 in Busko Zdrój SP ZOZ, Poland. We measured with the help of protractor in SFTR range the motion bending and straightening of the knee with an accuracy of 1°. The Lovett strength test was assessed of the ischio-tibial muscles, quadriceps, sartorius − acting on the knee joint of the patient. The study was carried out on the first and the last day of the stay in the rehabilitation facility.

There was improvement in the range of flexion and strength of muscles acting on the knee joint of the afflicted women.

The study showed that 21-day rehabilitation holiday improved the range and strength of the muscles acting on the knee joint of the afflicted women. This proved that comprehensive rehabilitation improves the function of the knee joint with gonarthrosis, prevents disease progression and is an alternative to drug therapy.
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