Effect of low-frequency electric field screening on motility of human sperm
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University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland
University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
ADR Technology, Gdansk, Poland
Corresponding author
Malgorzata Kotwicka   

Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Rokietnicka 5d, 61-806, Poznań, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2020;27(3):427-434
The human body is constantly exposed to an extremely low electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF), in particular at 50 Hz, emitted by power lines, domestic distribution lines, electrical appliances, etc. It is assumed that the increase in electromagnetic exposure may cause adverse effects upon human health, as well as raising concerns regarding the impact on human fertility.

The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the influence of ELF-EMF with a frequency of 50 Hz on the motility of human sperm. At the same time, the effectiveness of the dielectric screen constructed by ADR Technology ® in absorbing the emitted radiation was examined.

Material and methods:
Semen samples of 20 patients were exposed to the influence of an extremely low electromagnetic field. After 5, 15 and 30 min., spermatozoa motility was analysed using a computer-assisted spermatozoa motility analysis system. The following sperm motility parameters were examined: 1) velocity straight linear motility; 2) cross-beat frequency; 3) lateral head displacement; 4) homogeneity of progressive motility velocity.

It was found that the ELF-EMF presented a negative effect on the motility of human spermatozoa. A significant decrease in spermatozoa motility speed and a significant increase in lateral head deviation values were observed under the influence of the electromagnetic field. ELF-EMF did not show an effect on either lateral head displacement or homogeneity of progressive motility velocity.

A positive effect of the dielectric screen ADR Technology® was found. This effect compensated spermatozoa motility changes induced with ELF-EMF
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