Effect of 3-year education in the Main Fire Service School on the fitness level of students
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Faculty of Tourism and Recreation, Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Poland
Department of Hygiene and Physiology, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Andrzej Tomczak   

Faculty of Tourism and Recreation, Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(4):628-631
Introduction and objective:
The aim of the study was to determine changes in the fitness level among students of the Main Fire Service School during 3-year’s education.

Material and Methods:
A total of 75 male and 5 female students took part in the study. Fitness level measurements were carried out before beginning the studies (Measurement 0) and after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years at the school (Measurement 1, 2, 3). The following tests were performed to estimate level of physical fitness for men: pull-ups on a bar, a 50 m sprint and 1,000 m run, and for women: sit-ups, medical ball (2 kg) throw from above the head and a 4 x10 m shuttle run.

General fitness level (average number of points from 3 attempts) of the male and female students improved. Improvement of fitness level between Measurement 0 (male students 60.3p.±7.58; female students 61.60p.±3.08), and Measurements 1, 2, 3 (men 64.59p.±6.87; 64.41p.±7.17; 64.03p.±7.65 and women 68.40p.±1.99; 66.67p.±2.36; 68.87±1.87 respectively), was found. The same relationship was found while analysing results of individual competitions. Only speed endurance (anaerobic-aerobic) assessed during Measurement 0 at 64.03p.±10.23, decreased after the 1st year at the school (Measurement 1 – 59.29p.±14.14) and remained on the same level during Measurements 2 and 3 (60.25p.±11.20 and 58.56p. ±12.80, respectively).

Speed endurance (anaerobic-aerobic) is a capability which decreased among the students in the subsequent years. Because this capability highly correlates with activities that a fire-fighter will perform during rescue operations, it should be treated as a matter of priority during physical education classes in the Main Fire Service School.
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