Cyclic movement execution and its influence on motor programmess
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Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
Department of Movement Physiology, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Institute of Psychology, University of Gdańsk, Poland
Corresponding author
Marcin Dornowski   

Department of Sport, Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, ul. Kazimierza Górskiego 1, 80-335 Gdansk, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2019;26(2):361-368
The aim of this study was to discover the relationship between the performance of different mechanical movements of rowers, and define its effect on the motor programs of the cyclic movement in athletes living in rural and urban areas.

Material and methods:
Twenty-two male rowers participated in the experiment using a rowing ergometer (Concept2, USA). The experiment consisted of 3 tests examining the maximal power of the pull-ups (MPbpu). The movement mechanogram was registered with a specialized complex Noraxon’s 3D MyoMotion (Noraxon Inc., USA). The software of the complex allowed calculation of the values of the joint angles from the accelerometer data. The Origin Lab 8.5 program was used for the mathematical and statistical processing of the signals from the mechanograms.

It was found that all experiment participants had a stepped controlled increase in the power of single bar pull-ups leading to a corresponding proportional increase in the frequency of rowing – test 1 and, conversely, a stepped controlled increase in the rowing frequency accompanied by a proportional increase in the power of the bar pull-ups – test 2. The involuntary dependence of the power and the rate was due to the peculiarities of the central cyclic movement programming, according to which the forces and durations of the active and passive bar pull-ups phases were interconnected and regulated together. The voluntary power-rate dependence control led to the breakdown of these links in the motor program of cyclic movements and to the separate control of these parameters.

Motor programs in cyclic movement may be created in the same pattern in tope level sport and recreation, as well in different environmental conditions – gym halls (movement simulators), professional and recreational water sport tracks.
The research was supported by Grant 0024/RSA2/2013/52 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education program ‘Rozwój Sportu Akademickiego’, Warsaw, Poland.
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