Content of transfluthrin in indoor air during the use of electro-vaporizers.
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Department of Toxicology, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2011;18(1):85-88
The quality of indoor air evokes increasing interest; however, no standards have been developed which determine the content of pesticides in the air of living space. At present, insecticides are increasingly more frequently applied to control household pests, flies, mosquitoes, termites and other harmful insects. In this study, the content of transfluthrin was measured indoors after the application of two consumer products containing this active substance, using commercially available electro-vaporizers. It was found that during the application of insecticides in the form of gel and liquid the mean concentration of transfluthrin in the air was 1.295-2.422 ug/m3 and 3.817-5.227 ug/m3, respectively. The concentration of an active agent in the air did not depend on the day of application. The concentration of transfluthrin was higher when used in the form of a liquid than a gel preparation. 18-24 hours after the discontinuation of the use of the preparation no active agent was found in the air. As long as the standards are developed regulating the content of insecticides in the air of living spaces and utility rooms, the most important method of preventing their potential hazardous effect is informing the users of these preparations about the occurrence of active substances in indoor air, and eventual risk of exposure to the effect of pesticides during their application at home.
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