Conditioning of participation of disabled males and females from eastern regions of Poland in tourism and recreation
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John Paul II State Higher Vocational School, Biała Podlaska, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2011;18(2):350-354
Disability is a serious social, cultural and economic problem, the solving of which requires both legal regulations and coordinated activities by the State. A constantly increasing number of the disabled is an important premise for undertaking actions aimed at complex rehabilitation of this population group, and their engagement in social and economic life. Creating possibilities for spending free time in an attractive way, in accordance with one’s interests and needs, is an essential area of rehabilitation activities. In 2005, the Institute of Tourism and Recreation at the State Higher Vocational School in Biała Podlaska launched representative, complex studies concerning the social conditioning of involvement of the disabled from the regions of Eastern Poland in tourism and mobile recreation. The presented material is an excerpt from this study report. It concerns barriers which limit or make it impossible for disabled males and females to participate in tourism and mobile recreation in the regions of Lublin, Rzeszów, and Białystok. Among barriers, which to the highest degree limit the participation of the disabled in tourism and recreation, the respondents indicated their poor material standard. Other important barriers were inconveniences associated with transport, lack of up-to-date information, and type of disability. The barriers limiting motor activity were also analyzed according to gender. Statistically significant differences were observed between males and females with respect to the following characteristics: transport, lack of adequate information, lack of offer of activities, and lack of assistance. It is noteworthy that males more strongly than females emphasized such barriers as lack of information, offer of assistance, while females indicated the problems with transport.
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