Epidemiological data indicate that one-third of the world’s population have serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatic steatosis is often observed in patients with chronic liver diseases. The exact mechanisms of hepatic steatosis progression and the efficacy of antiviral therapy in patients with CHB and hepatic steatosis are not yet fully understood.

The aim of the study was to investigate the LDLR concentration and degree of hepatic fibrosis and hepatic steatosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection during tenofovir disoproxil fumarate therapy.

Material and methods:
The study group consisted of 54 patients with CHB. The LDLR concentration, assessment of the degree of hepatic fibrosis, hepatic steatosis, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and triglyceride concentrations, were assessed at the beginning of therapy, 6 months later, and 12 months after commencement of therapy. The control group consisted of 18 healthy individuals.

The mean LDLR concentration in the studied groups was statistically significantly lower (p<0.05) than in the controls. The antiviral therapy based on TDF had no influence on the LDLR concentration and HBsAg level.

The results indicate a statistically significant lower(p<0.05) concentration of LDLR in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection. Negative correlations between HBsAg level and LDLR concentration in patients with chronic HBV, at all stages of the study may indicate, that HBsAg protects hepatocytes from LDL accumulation.
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