Introduction and objective:
The article analyzes the content of heavy metals and standard physical as well as chemical pollution indicators in different types of sediments from stormwater, combined sewer and sanitary sewer systems.

Material and methods:
Nickel, lead, chromium, copper, zinc and cadmium, as well as standard physical and chemical pollution indicators, were determined in sewage sediments. Aqueous extracts of sediments samples, taken from storm water sewer inlet sediments traps, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and combined sewers, were prepared in accordance with PN-EN 12457–2:2006. After mineralization, the concentrations of the metals: nickel, lead, chromium, copper, zinc and cadmium in the extracts were determined using the inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy technique.

The results were analyzed with a non-metric multidimensional scaling algorithm. The heavy metal content was variable depending on the sediments collection site. The heavy metals nickel, lead, chromium, copper, zinc and cadmium were found in the sediments from stormwater inlets, storm sewer and sanitary sewer channels, with variability in the concentration of individual metals. The sediments from the flushing of sanitary sewers and combined sewers did not contain cadmium.

The content of heavy metals in sediments varied depending on the sampling location and type of sewer system, indicating the need for detailed monitoring to identify the sources of emissions. Sediments from stormwater sewers have higher concentrations of heavy metals, with those from sewer inlets showing zinc concentrations exceeding regulatory limits, highlighting the variability and potential environmental impact of different sewer systems.
Polish Ministry of Education and Science within Grant Nos. FD-20/IS-6/999, FD-20/IS-6/019, FD-20/IS-6/021, FD-20/IS-6/037.
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