Introduction and objective:
Deoxynivalenol (DON, vomitoxin) and Zearalenone (ZEA) are mycotoxin contaminants of cereals and cereal products that pose a significant threat to food safety. The aim of the study was to investigate the occurrence of DON and ZEA in different organic and conventional unprocessed cereals and cereal products that are available on the Polish agricultural fields and market. A total of 78 unprocessed cereal and cereal product samples of organic and conventional production were sampled from agricultural fields situated in western Poland and from available on the Polish market packaged comercial products produced by different domestic manufacturers. All samples were analyzed for DON and ZEA by HPLC with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD).

Results. Co-occurrence of DON was detected in cereals from the organic production system, the average content was 285.25 ± 134,04 μg kg -1 and from the conventional system – 373.71 ± 171,20 μg kg -1 , In flour from organic farming, the average DON content was 213.80 ± 151,28 μg kg -1, in conventional flour the average was 336.29 ± 188,90 μg kg -1. The range of DON concentrations in samples of cereal products from organic and conventional farms was detected in 26.3% and 31.6%, whereas the average concentrations of DON in cereal products was 199.60 ± 149.82 μg kg -1 and 387.67 ± 250.24 μg kg -1, respectively.

Mycotoxins contamination seen in organic cereals and cereal products does not statistical differ from that witnessed in their conventional counterparts.
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