Genotoxicity of chemical compounds is primarily associated with the interaction with DNA, formation of mutations, damage to chromosomes and initiating carcinogenesis processes. Currently, many compounds found in the environment are considered to be genotoxic agents, among them chromium: trivalent (III) and hexavalent (VI). The genotoxicity of hexavalent (VI) chromium has been proven in numerous epidemiological, in vitro and in vivo studies. The main source of Cr (VI) is environmental pollution associated with its use in various industries. On the other hand, the role of chromium (III) as a microelement is widely discussed. Due to its beneficial properties, associated with maintaining adequate blood glucose levels and supporting weight loss, it is widely used in the form of dietary supplements, often in doses exceeding the daily requirement. However, the safety of chromium compounds is disputable. Data about the mechanism of genotoxic effects are still incomplete.

The aim of this review is to present the current knowledge about the induction of genotoxicity from two forms of chromium: trivalent (III) and hexavalent (VI).

State of knowledge:
Chromium (VI) is a carcinogen with proven mutagenic and genotoxic effects, but this issue is still being investigated by scientists. In recent years, numerous studies have also been conducted on the genotoxic effect of chromium (III).

Due to the still unexplained mechanism of the genotoxic action and incomplete knowledge about the transformation of chromium in the body, further research is needed, especially due to the growing popularity of Cr (III) compounds and their consumption in the form of dietary supplements and doubts as to the safety of its use, as well as environmental exposure to Cr (VI).
The review was prepared under the project the ‘Regional Initiative of Excellence’ programme for 2019–2022 (Project No. 016/RID/2018/19), financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Warsaw, Poland, The review was also supported by the Medical University in Wrocław, Poland (Grant No. ST-D150.18.004).
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