Attitudes of women after the age of 50 towards preventive screening
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Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow, Poland
Student scientific circle at the Department of Public Health, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Marlena Krawczyk-Suszek   

Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(4):624-627
Prevention is one of the major branches of the health sector. The National Health Programme encompasses main risk factors, elimination of which may lead to a reduced incidence of illnesses in the society. At the same time, the criteria of selecting people eligible for preventive screening are established according to risk groups determined by sex, as well as age in the population of women. The perimenopausal and menopausal period contributes to occurrence of numerous systemic diseases and to an increased risk of illnesses, especially cancers.

The objective of the research was to evaluate the performance of preventive screening tests of women after 50 aimed at early detection of cervical and breast cancer. Furthermore, the research estimated frequency of pathological lesions detected and regularity of their monitoring.

Materials and methods:
The research covered 150 women after 50 years of age. The database was statistically examined with STATISTICA software.

A low percentage of the respondents, in comparison to the risk increasing with age, had a Pap test (61.3%) and mammography (51.3%) in the last two years. In the case of women whose latest Pap test or mammography showed abnormalities and was the basis for diagnosing pathological lesions, 69.2% of them were under regular medical supervision if abnormalities were identified by a Pap test and 68.7% if lesions were detected in breast structure.

In the examined group we observed a small percentage of women undergo Pap tests and mammography. Furthermore, medical recommendations regarding early detection of cancers are frequently ignored and disregarded by patients.
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