Introduction and objective:
Cyberchondria has been described relatively recently as a behaviour characterized by excessive Internet searching for medical information related to increasing levels of health anxiety. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to a broad set of health care practices that are not part of a country’s traditional or conventional medicine, and are not fully integrated into the dominant health care system The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between cyberchondria and the use of complementary and alternative medicine.

Material and methods:
A cross-sectional study was conducted from 25 April – 25 December 2022. A computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI) survey technique was used. The study population consisted of 626 respondents who took part in the study.

The severity of cyberchondria is associated with ‘a greater number of CAM products used’ (beta = 0.101; p = 0.043), ‘a greater number of self-help techniques used’ (beta = 0.210; p<0.001), searching for knowledge about CAM on the Internet (beta-0.199; p<0.001), using sources other than books (beta = -0.114; p = 0.025), younger age (beta = -0.170; p<0.001) and worse education (beta = -0.101; p = 0.033).

The research results indicate that there is a link between cyberchondria and the use of CAM. However, since some components of the CSS-PL scale and self-rated health were not associated with more frequent use of CAM, it is likely that these results may not be fully reliable. The association between cyberchondria and CAM use should be investigated in further studies using comprehensive medical interviews.
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