Assessment of the influence of jogging on the shape of female foot arches
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University of Physical Education in Cracow, Motor Rehabilitation Department, Clinical Rehabilitation Division, Orthopedic Rehabilitation Institute, Cracow, Poland
Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, Health Science Division, Physiotherapy Institute Chair, Cracow, Poland
Corresponding author
Agata Maslon   

University of Physical Education in Cracow, Motor Rehabilitation Department, Clinical Rehabilitation Division, Orthopedic Rehabilitation Institute, Cracow, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(4):596-601
Both walking and its faster, running, consist of cyclical subsequent phases of swing and support; however, they differ in their time proportions as well as magnitude of acting forces. There is a lack of studies concerning the long-term consequences of repeated jogging cycles on the function of feet and, above all, on their permanent impact on the shape of foot arches.

The objective of this study was to answer the question whether regular jogging changes the shape of the transverse and medial longitudinal arches of the feet.

Material and Methods:
The research material consisted of 96 women with an average age of 26.57, and included 50 actively jogging women, and 46 of non-joggers. The study was performed with the use of EMED-SF force platform. The plantar surface of the foot was divided into 10 regions according to Cavanagh, for which peak pressure and contact time were established. Two indicators were defined: metatarsal bone pressure distribution pattern acc. to Kantali, and longitudinal arch index acc. to Cavanagh.

The data obtained revealed more frequent occurrence of the greatest pressure under the centrally located metatarsal heads (lack of functional foot transverse arch) among the female joggers, compared with the non-joggers. Moreover, the findings indicate the higher frequency of medial longitudinal foot arch flattening among female runners, with a great deal of consistency between both feet, whereas results for the control group show asymmetrical medial arch shapes with right foot propensity to normal arch shape and left foot tendency for excessive arch.

The observed differences in feet arch shapes between female joggers and non-joggers indicate the influence of jogging on feet functional adaptations.
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