Assessment of the incidence rate of end-stage renal disease in patients with and without diabetes in Poland
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University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, UHE Satellite Campus in Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
National Health Fund, Central Office, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Waldemar Wierzba   

University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz., ul. Nowoursynowska 160/1, 02-776 Warszawa, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018;25(3):568-571
Several studies have suggested, that diabetes is very important factor of the risk of the chronic a renal disease. The paper aims to present a retrospective analysis of incidence of end-stage renal disease in subgroups of patients with and without diabetes in Poland.

Material and methods:
For assessing this problem an electronic search was performed using Polish National Health Fund data base from 01.01.2011 until 31.12.2013 in general population and from 01.01.2012 until 31.12.2012 in 2 populations: with diabetes and without diabetes mellitus.

The 43.70 % patients with end-stage renal disease was diabetic. The incidence rate in 2012 was: 292.48 ± 90.97 diabetic men / 100,000 diabetic population; 203.10 ± 90.97 diabetic women / 100,000 diabetic population; 23.44 ± 6.34 non-diabetic men / 100,000 non-diabetic population; 17.88 ± 6.33 non-diabetic women / 100,000 non-diabetic population.

The incidence rate of end-stage renal failure in diabetics was multiple times higher than the incidence rate in non-diabetics. The incidence rate of new ESRD cases in Poland estimated to be 36.17 per 100,000 of general populations in 2011, 35.28% in 2012 and 30.46 per 100,000 of general populations in 2013. In 2012, the incidence rate of new ESRD cases in male diabetics was 292.48 ± 90.97 per 100,000 of diabetes men population, and in women diabetics 203.10 ± 66.06 per 100,000 of diabetes women population. In the same 2012 year, the incidence of new ESRD cases in men non-diabetics was 3.44 ± 6.34 per 100,000 of non-diabetes, and in women non-diabetes 17.58 ± 6.33 per 100,000 of non-diabetes women population.
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