Assessment of awareness of post-hospital rehabilitation need in patients after acute coronary syndrome and after stroke
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Department of Rehabilitation, Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland
Department of Sports Medicine, University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(3):537-540
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stroke are the leading causes of mortality and long-term morbidity across the world. Post-hospital rehabilitation (PHR) is strongly recommended in both groups.

The purpose was assessment of awareness of the PHR need in patients after ACS and after ischaemic stroke (IS).

Material and Methods:
The study included 60 patients (17 F, 43 M), 62 ± 13.6 years of age, admitted to hospital due to ACS (n=30 pts) or IS (n=30 pts). A cross-sectional survey was carried out in order to evaluate awareness of the PHR need through a questionnaire composed of 14 one-choice answer questions.

There was no significant correlation between place of residence and willingness to participate in the PHR programme: 69.2% (n=9) of the pts living in rural areas and 80.9% (n=38) living in the city declared their willingness to partcipate. The majority of patients declared that PHR is needed (87.5% of pts with basic educational level, 63.2% with vocational education, 61.1% with technical education, 80% with university education level). 43.3% (n=13) of pts after ACS and 66.7% (n=20) pts after IS declared they had been informed about the possibility of PHR. Altogether, 46.7% (n=14) of pts after ACS and 33.3% (n=10) after stroke understood it to be a stay in a spa; only 10% (n=3) of pts after ACS and 33.3% (n=10) after IS understood it correctly. 30% (n=9) pts after ACS and 13.3% (n=4) after IS saw it as a change in lifestyle and 13.3% (n=4) pts after ACS and 20% (n=6) after IS declared they did not know what PHR was.

Type of place of residence and educational level had no association with the PHR need. Patients after IS were more aware than those after ACS. Increased independence was the main expectation in both groups. The majority of patients perceived PHR to consist of treatment in a spa. Too few patients were informed about the possibility of PHR.
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