Anti-tobacco education: the need for trials of greater length and rigor
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FRCPI, Clinical Director, BMJ Learning, BMJ Publishing Group, London
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(2):412
Dear Editor, Kanicka et al. are to be praised for their excellent report into the effects of an anti-tobacco education programme. [1] The programme improved knowledge but seemed to have no effect on the hard outcome of behaviour and it is worth considering why. There are two main possibilities and they should be explored as they could have real effects on the way that future studies are conducted.
Kanicka M, Poniatowski B, Szpak A, Owoc A. Effect of an anti-tobacco programme of health education on changes in health behaviours among junior high school adolescents in Białystok, Poland. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013 Mar 25;20(1):167-72.
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