Analysis of trace element in intervertebral disc by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry techniques in degenerative disc disease in the Polish population
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Department of Spine Surgery, Oncologic Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, W. Dega University Hospital, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
Clinic and Polyclinic of Neuroorthopedic and Neurology, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Water and Soil Analysis, Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Krakow, Poland
Health Resort Naleczow, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015;22(2):362-367
Although trace elements are regarded crucial and their content has been determined in number of tissue there are only few papers addressing this problem in intervertebral disc in humans. Most of the trace elements are important substrates of enzymes influencing metabolism and senescence process. Others are markers of environmental pollution. Therefore the aim of the research was to analyzed of the trace element content in the intervertebral disc, which may be a vital argument recognizing the background of degenerative changes to be the effect of the environment or metabolic factors.

Material and Methods:
Material consist of 18 intervertebral disc from 15 patients, acquired in surgical procedure of due to the degenerative disease with Atomic Absorption Spectrometry content of Al, Cd, Co, Pb, Cu, Ni, Mo, Mg, Zn was evaluated.

Only 4 of the trace elements were detected in all samples. The correlation analysis showed significant positive age correlation with Al and negative in case of Co. Among elements significant positive correlation was observed between Al/Pb, Co/Mo, Al/Mg, Al/Zn Pb/Zn and Mg/Zn. Negative correlation was observed in Al/Co, Cd/Mg, Co/Mg, Mo/Mg, Co/Zn and Mo/Zn.

This study is the first to our knowledge that profiles the elements in intervertebral disc in patients with degenerative changes. We have confirmed significant differences between the trace element contents in intervertebral disc and other tissue. It can be ground for further investigation.
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