Analysis of airborne pollen concentrations in Zagreb, Croatia, 2002
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Zagreb Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia
Botanic Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Health, Labor and Social Welfare, Zagreb City Government, Zagreb, Croatia
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2003;10(1):107-112
Employing the volumetric method by use of a Hirst sampler, a total of 71,286
pollen grains, as many as 94.20% of them allergenic, were recorded in the air samples from the city of Zagreb during the 2002 pollen season. Among identified pollen of 35 plant species/genera/families, 23 were allergenic: Taxus/Juniperus, Alnus sp., Fraxinus sp., Betula sp., Corylus sp., Poaceae, Urticaceae, Artemisia sp., Ambrosia sp., Carpinus sp., Castanea sp., Chenopodiaceae, Salix sp., Populus sp., Ulmus sp., Juglans sp., Quercus sp., Platanus sp., Fagus sp., Plantago sp., Pinus sp., Picea sp. and Abies sp. The pollen of these plants also cause the majority of pollinosis in Europe. Study results and the pollen calendar designed for the 2002 pollen season for the City of Zagreb provide useful data for allergologists to reach an accuratediagnosis. The calendar also provides timely information on airborne pollen types and air concentrations for individuals with pollen hypersensitivity, thus allowing them to adjust their daily activities so as to minimize their contact with allergens and improve their quality of life both at home and at work.