Airborne pollen calendar of Lublin, Poland.
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Department of Botany, Agricultural University, Lublin,Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2004;11(1):91-97
Pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Lublin (eastern Poland) was
studied by means of volumetric method using Hirst sampler (VPPS 2000, Lanzoni) in
2001–2002. The pollen trap was mounted at the height of 15 m in the centre of Lublin.
On the basis of analysis of mean daily values of pollen concentration, the pollen
calendar was constructed for 16 taxa producing the allergenic pollen: Alnus, Corylus,
Populus, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Betula, Carpinus, Quercus, Fagus, Pinaceae, Poaceae,
Rumex, Plantago, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Urticaceae. Great differences referring
to the course of pollen seasons for most of the studied taxa of trees within the 2 years of
study were found. They were associated with the beginning and end of the pollen
season, the amount and the date of maximum pollen concentration occurrence, as well
as annual sums of pollen grains. Much lower differentiation was observed in the case of
herbaceous plants. This referred mainly to maximum concentration occurrence dates
(Urtica, Poaceae) and the length of pollen season (Chenopodiaceae). The most similar
course of pollen seasons during 2 years was recorded for Artemisia. Among trees, the
highest pollen concentrations were recorded for Betula, Pinaceae and Alnus; the lowest
for Ulmus, Fagus and Corylus. Very high concentration of herbaceous plant’s pollen
was observed for Poaceae and Urtica; Plantago and Chenopodiaceae showed the lowest
level. Annual sums of pollen grains for Alnus, Populus, Quercus, Betula and Pinaceae
were much higher in 2001, but in the case of Ulmus, Fraxinus, Carpinus, Fagus the
annual sums of pollen grains in 2002 were almost twice as high as in 2001. For 5 among
7 herbaceous taxa, annual sums of pollen grains in both years were similar.