Advantages of implantation of acellular porcine-derived mesh in the treatment of human rectocele – Case report
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Department of General, Endocrine and Gastroenterological Oncology Surgery, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
Division of Gynecological Surgery, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
Corresponding author
Sebastian Szubert   

Division of Gynecological Surgery, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(4):692-695
A rectocele is a hernation of the rectum into the vaginal lumen developing as a consequence of weakness of the rectovaginal septum. It affects about 18% of women after childbearing age. Symptoms associated with a rectocele include constipation, vaginal fullness or heaviness, feeling of a bulging mass within vagina, incomplete stool evacuation and dyspareunia. Current methods of surgical treatment of a rectocele often require implantation of a mesh graft. In most of cases, synthetic and non-absorbable meshes are used. Although implantation of a synthetic and non-absorbable mesh is effective in the treatment of rectocele, a high rate of mesh erosion has been reported.

Case report:
This study presents a surgical technique and case report for the treatment of a rectocele in a 46-year-old women by implantation of a porcine-derived absorbable collagen mesh (Pelvicol®) by transvaginal approach, with six year follow-up. A review of the literature concerning implantation of Pelvicol® for the treatment of rectocele was also undertaken.

The clinical experience and review of the literature by the authors suggest that a porcine-derived acellular mesh is non-cytotoxic, pyrogenic or allergenic, and the application of a biomesh in the management of rectocele is effective and safe, and the risk of mesh erosion is very low.
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U.S. Food and Drug Administration Web Page [5.03.2014], data issued: 13.07.2011:
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