A voice in the discussion concerning causes for late diagnostics of cancer of the reproductive organ in women, based on the example of the Lublin Region
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Chair of Oncology and Environmental Health, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Department of Health Informatics and Statistics, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(2):221-223
Cancerous diseases are the second cause of deaths in Poland, which results primarily from the fact of their late detection and low effectiveness of treatment, despite a constant improvement in the situation [1]. The number of cases of cancer in Poland is still alarming. At present, approximately 120,000 cases are noted annually, and for many years this number has been growing more rapidly than the number of the population. Cancerous diseases are the cause of approximately 40% of deaths among females and 30% of deaths among males aged 45–64, i.e. at reproductive age [2]. Since 2007, the number of the reported cases of malignant cancer in females has been systematically increasing. In 2010, 70,024 new cases were reported among the population of males, and 70,540 in females. In 2010, standard morbidity rates were 254/10 5 in males, and 205/105 in females. Per 100,000 cases of diseases, 365 are due to malignant cancer [3, 4]. For many years, epidemiologists have been interested in the geographic distribution of the values of standardized morbidity and mortality rates due to cancer in Poland. The presently observed distribution fluctuates around the standard which has been in effect for over three decades. The Gdańsk and Poznań Regions are at the top of the list of regions according to the values of standardized morbidity rates due to malignant cancer (ICD-10 C00-D-09). The Lublin Region is placed in the middle of this list, preceding, among others, the Regions of Białystok, Warsaw, and Opole [4]. Analysis of the health situation of the inhabitants of the Lublin Region in recent years confirms the all-Polish problem in the control of cancerous diseases.
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