Introduction and objective:
The identification and understanding of interactions between contaminants present in sediments from stormwater and combined sewer systems is a prerequisite for their proper management, and provides a basis for developing effective strategies to minimize their negative impact on humans and the environment. The studypresents the method described in PN-EN 12457-2:2006 as a possible technique for studying the mobility of heavy metals in sediments from stormwater and combined sewer systems.

Material and methods:
The presented PN-EN 12457-2:2006 method is a relatively simple technique for preparing extracts for the determination of heavy metals in sediments from stormwater and combined sewer systems, consisting of one-step leaching, which is quick to perform. In addition, it allows determination of the characteristics of the samples to be analyzed, and indicates procedures and tests for evaluating hazardous substances released from solid waste.

The results of the concentrations of leached heavy metals: chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc, obtained in the study, corresponded to the concentrations of the exchange fraction of sludge when using the recommended method with sequential extraction (Student’s t-test, p=0.263). In the literature review conducted, no papers were found on the application of the leaching method to prepare extracts for the determination of heavy metals in sediments from stormwater and combined sewer systems.

The PN-EN 12457-2:2006 method is capable of providing important data on the potential risks to humans and the environment from the presence of contaminants in sewage sludge.
This study was partially supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science within Grant Nos. FD-20/IS-6/999 and FD-20/IS-6/019.
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