Introduction. Epididymal dirofilariasis is one of the unusual manifestations of this zoonosis. In Slovakia, this is the third case out of 20 Dirofilaria repens infected patients in whom the worm (the parasite) was identified in the epididymis. The patient felt a painless tumour about 2 cm in size on the left testicle. During ultrasound examination, the radiologist observed a cyst containing a live worm within the epididymis. After mechanical stimulation, the movement characteristic for filarial worms (´filarial dance sign´) appeared. An orchiectomy was performed at the Department of Urology in the University Hospital in Košice. Histopathology confirmed a parasitic cyst with a worm, and based on characteristic morphological features, the parasite was identified as Dirofilaria repens. Objective. The aim of case report is to alert physicians to the possibility dirofilarial infection of the epididymis, where tumors and cystic structures often occur and to present clinical signs of the disease.
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