Introduction and objectives:
The parasite Cryptosporidium spp. is an intracellular protozoa which has a broad range of hosts and zoonotic potential. It presents a serious health risk for agricultural workers and veterinarians. The aim of the study was to identify the species and subtypes of Cryptosporidium occurring in a veterinary student who came into contact with calves on a farm.

Material and Methods:
The Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique was employed to confirm the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts. ELISA test was applied to detect coproantigen in faecal specimens. Nested PCR was used to amplify a small ribosomal subunit (SSU rRNA) and sequencing of the GP60 gene served to identify the zoonotic subtypes.

The nested PCR allowed to confirm the C. parvum species; subsequently, the IIdA15G1 zoonotic subtype was identified.

This is the first confirmed case in Slovakia of human cryptosporidiosis caused by the unique subtype IIdA15G1.
This study was funded by the projects of the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovakian Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Grant No. VEGA 1/0536/18).
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