Effectiveness of laparoscopic surgeries in treating infertility related to endometriosis
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I Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education, Warsaw, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015;22(2):329-331
Endometriosis is defined as an illness caused by the presence of foci of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The illness is found in 5–10% of women at reproductive age. In the group of those suffering from endometriosis, the percentage of infertile women amounts to 50%. At higher stages of endometriosis clinical advancement, the suggested treatment is the application of assisted reproductive technology.

The aim of the study was assessment of the effectiveness of laparoscopy in treating infertility related to endometriosis among women treated in our clinic in 2009–2012.

Material and Methods:
The clinic is a medical centre focused on advanced minimally invasive surgical treatment, especially laparoscopic surgeries in diseases of the uterus – with a focus on laparoscopic surgeries for patients with endometriosis of the recto-vaginal area. 53 female patients treated for infertility who underwent a laparoscopic surgical procedure to remove the foci of endometriosis in 2009–2012, were analysed retrospectively. After the surgical procedure, the patients were observed over a period of 12 months, during which the frequency of pregnancies (including natural and assisted pregnancies) was assessed in relation to the stage of endometriosis advancement (rAFS).

In 17 out of 53 (32%) patients who underwent the surgical procedure a clinical pregnancy was diagnosed. 11 out of 53 (20.75%) women became pregnant spontaneously, 6 out of 53 (11.32%) patients became pregnant as a result of assisted reproductive technology (ART) (5 IVF and 1 IUI). The average time from the date of surgical procedure to spontaneous pregnancy amounted to 6 months.

Laparoscopy is a vital therapeutic method. Operative laparoscopy is an efficient method for treating infertility related to endometriosis, and the procedure seems to be the most effective particularly at stage III rAFS. The period for expectant management after a surgical procedure should last 6 months.
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