Effect of exercise on Special Aviation Gymnastics Instruments on blood serum levels of selected biochemical indices in cadets
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Department of Physical Education, Polish Air Force Academy, Dęblin, Poland
Department of Human Biology, University School of Physical Education, Wroclaw, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(1):106-111
Introduction. Aim of this study was the training effect evaluation on the Special Aviation Gymnastics Instruments (SAGI) on blood metallothionein (MT), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), protein, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), and physical fitness in the examined cadets. Material and methods. The study comprised 55 cadets, aged 20, divided into two groups: examined group A (N=41) and control group B (N=14). In both groups, blood material was collected twice, i.e. before (baseline) and after training (series I), during (series II), and after completion of training on the SAGI (Series III). Blood serum MT, Zn, Cu, protein, and NSE were assayed with commercially available kits). Physical fitness was assessed with commonly used fitness tests. Results. A significant decrease in serum MT was noted in both groups in all three series of assays after training, except group B in series II. NSE significantly increased in group A in series II after training. NSE activity increased significantly in group B in series I and III. In both groups, a significant decrease in blood serum Zn was noted after training in series I and II. Serum Cu significantly decreased in group A in all three series of assays. Blood serum protein significantly decreased in group A in series III. In series II, blood serum protein increased significantly in both groups. The remaining values were not changed significantly. Conclusions. Training intensity on SAGI lowered serum MT levels after training in comparison with the control group. This might be associated with Zn, Cu, and protein metabolism.
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